Active action – NABU Borken and machine builder SPALECK cooperate

The NABU (the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union in Germany) – district association Borken e.V. has signed a cooperation agreement with the Bocholt-based family-owned company SPALECK this week. Together, the nature conservation organization and the industrial company want to initiate and implement environmental protection measures at its sites in Bocholt (D), Greiz (D), Borne (NL) and Resita (RO). The joint goal is to promote sustainable business practices among companies and local authorities in the region.

What opportunities are there for nature conservation and environmental protection in your own company? How can employees be involved? And importantly, how can other companies be involved as well?

Answers to these and other questions are one goal of the two partners. Together they want to show that ecology and economy are not mutually exclusive, but belong together. To this end, nature and environmental protection issues must also be placed at the top of the agenda in business enterprises, with the aim of preserving our prosperity in the long term for future generations.

Carsten Sühling, Managing Director of SPALECK Holding: „As an industrial company, we have been leaving a large ecological footprint for many years. It is now time to change things in order to secure the basis of all our lives in the long term. Together with as many other companies as possible, we must take better account of environmental concerns in the future and protect resources.“ In doing so, the company sees many opportunities. Sühling continued: „As a 5th generation family business, we are convinced that this is vital to our entrepreneurial future and our raison d‘être. For example, as a supplier and machine builder, we already generate a large part of our sales with green, sustainable products and would now like to make production even more environmentally friendly.“

The NABU district association and SPALECK want to start together with environmental protection measures at the company group‘s sites. Green roofs and facades, hedges for birds, insect hotels, nesting boxes and ecological break corners are the first measures under discussion. Michael Kempkes, district chairman of NABU: „Sustainable products and services will be a clear competitive advantage for companies in the future. And environmental protection measures are also important for the workforce, because they strengthen their bond with their employer. Green, sustainable site measures are a great start here and improve working conditions along the way.“

SPALECK‘s trainees are also to be involved in this. Karin Spaleck, responsible for human resources: „With the help of NABU Borken, we will offer our approximately 30 commercial and industrial trainees two nature and environment days per year in the future. Here, our trainees learn about regional nature conservation projects, are imparted knowledge and, where possible, are allowed to participate in nature conservation measures. The costs for this will be borne by our company.“

NABU also advises the company on how it can gradually reduce its ecological footprint. Michael Kempkes: „The path towards CO2 neutrality is an immense challenge for companies. For humanity, achieving the 2 degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement is vital for survival. This can only be done together with the business community. Here we want to make a partial contribution with advice, knowledge and contacts.“

Kempkes and Sühling jointly emphasize the importance of also persuade other companies to take action on environmental protection and sustainability. Carsten Sühling: „We companies still have it in our own hands to shape our future viability.“ Kempkes adds: „To do this, we also have to convince local politics and administration.“ To this end, NABU and SPALECK plan to jointly approach partners such as companies, associations and municipalities in the near future and encourage them to take more active action.


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