recovery: Which highlight will your company present at the RECYCLING-TECHNIK Dortmund 2018?
FORREC: This year we will focus on MSW (municipal solid waste) recycling and WEEE treatment, especially focused on the refrigerators recycling, the two biggest installations in the world have been manufactured (one already tested) by Forrec in 2018.
recovery: What is the most exciting development currently in your business?
FORREC: Refrigerators treatment was a very interesting challenge for Forrec. One of the two installations sold to French customers has a gas treatment system which allows to burn the collected gases directly by the plant to create energy useful to the whole installation.
recovery: What do you expect as an exhibitor from this fair?
FORREC: We expect the presence of customers from the North and East Europe.
recovery: Name three keywords that characterize the RECYCLING-TECHNIK Dortmund 2018 best:
FORREC: Innovation, sharing, expertise.
Stand: T 30-7
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