Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF

New methods for reliable lifetime estimation of plastic recyclates

Recyclates make products sustainable and competitive. Safety and reliable function must be guaranteed. At K 2022 in Düsseldorf, researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability will show how the quality of products made from recycled plastics can be reliably tested in the early development process, before series production.

Test set-up for testing a component made of recycled plastic
© Fraunhofer LBF

Test set-up for testing a component made of recycled plastic
© Fraunhofer LBF
So-called recyclates made from recycled plastics are found in more and more products of our daily use. Scientists from the Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF are researching how these can also be used for demanding, highly stressed components.


Reliable sustainable plastic components made of recycled plastic

At the Fraunhofer LBF, property-optimised technical product solutions are developed that function reliably and sustainably and can be manufactured efficiently and affordably. The expertise lies in the complete material development of recyclates, from regrind to additivation and interfacial consideration, analytics and material characterisation, through to service life estimation and component release. Using suitable methods of testing and analysis, the researchers have derived the necessary parameters for reliable assurance of the service life of plastic recyclates.


New method for validating the service life of plastic recyclates

Thanks to a new material formulation, it was possible to use the substitution of virgin material for recyclate on a complex component of white goods. In this way, for every kilogram of recycled polypropylene used, approximately 1.5 kilograms of CO2 are saved. This means that the central idea of efficient and environmentally friendly use of resources while avoiding greenhouse gases has been realised and is available for industrial application.

Hall 7, Booth SC01
