Hot Topic

Dear Readers,

The last quarter of the year offers a highlight, at least for all those who deal with the subject of plastics recycling. The subject of circular economy and plastics recycling is currently one of the most present topics everywhere - the discussion about the meaningful use of high-quality plastics has become an integral part of this business. K 2019, which will take place in Düsseldorf from 16 to 23 October, has also chosen recycling management as one of its hot topics. Among other things, this issue will include the recyclability of plastics and state-of-the-art plastics recycling techniques. Read more in our Special K 2019, in which many companies also give an outlook on their highlights at their trade fair stand.

Our cover story on page 8 also deals with this topic „Back to the beginning – Plastics recycling: Vecoplan technology for a full-cycle circular economy“. However, Vecoplan emphasises that one thing has the highest priority in everything to do with recycling: The quality must be right!

Let yourself be inspired to more sustainability by this rather plastic-intensive edition

Dr. Petra Strunk
Editor-in-Chief recovery


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