Material tests on shredder-extruder machines

What is already common practice at the company‘s location in Ansfelden/Austria, PURE LOOP now makes possible in North America as well. From now on, the specialist for shredder-extruder recycling solutions also offers customers and potential buyers in North America the opportunity to test the ISEC machine using their own material.

An ISEC evo 302 machine has been commissioned for this purpose at the technical centre of sister company EREMA North America in Ipswich, MA, (ENA for short). The machine is built in modules so it can be configured to meet different requirements for degassing, filtration and other performance parameters. „The USA and Canada are important markets for the in-house recycling segment that we serve with our local sales partners. With this machine that our American customers can also use to carry out non-binding test runs with their material, we confirm the significance of this market,“ says Manfred Dobersberger, Managing Director of PURE LOOP.

Following the test run, customers receive a detailed test report containing the quality values of the recycled pellets produced. If needed, customers can also attend the test run in person – it‘s the perfect opportunity to get an impression of the ISEC machine during operation and find out how easy it is to operate for producing high quality recycled pellets. „If this is not possible due to Corona or for other reasons, customers can also attend during a live video conference, or receive a video recording of the test,“ explains Kevin Hinterberger, who as Sales Manager at PURE LOOP is also responsible for coordinating the material tests.


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