K 2019

New technologies as drivers of innovation

K 2019, scheduled to take place in Düsseldorf from 16 to 23 October 2019, is fully booked. Over 3000 exhibitors from more than 60 countries have registered to participate. K will occupy the entire Düsseldorf exhibition grounds with some 175 000 m² of net exhibition space, and more than 200 000 trade visitors from all over the world are expected come to the event.

For eight days, the “Who’s Who” of the entire plastics and rubber world will meet here to demonstrate the industry’s capabilities, discuss current trends and set the course for the future. K 2019 underscores its special position not only through its popularity with the global industry but also by addressing the current challenges of our era and especially of its sector, first and foremost in regard to “plastics for sustainable development” and the “circular economy”. These not only will be among the hot topics touched on at the exhibitors’ stands at the upcoming K but will also be covered comprehensively in the supporting programme.

For example, the special exhibition “Plastics Shape the Future” also sees itself as a podium for solutions and answers to current social trends and discussions. Crucial topics will be discussed in detail, including packaging waste, marine litter and climate change on the one hand and resource conservation, energy efficiency and recycling on the other.  “Plastics Shape the Future” not only will offer an international information and networking platform but will also provide for greater involvement of policymakers and socially relevant groups in the form of keynote speeches and speed talks.

The Science Campus of K 2019 stands for the dialogue between science and industry, with sustainability and recycling management also being examined intensively. Last but not least, the joint appearance of VDMA (German Engineering Federation) and its member companies will also be focused this time on the topic of the circular economy.

Those who want to already now begin preparing for their visit to K 2019 in October can find the exhibitor database at //www.k-online.com/2410" target="_blank" >www.k-online.com/2410:www.k-online.com/2410. At the end of March 2019, the ticket office for K 2019 will also be launched on the portal. The eTicket also benefits you twofold by saving both time and money. Visitors can purchase their ticket online, print it out on their own printer or download it as a code and then travel to the trade fair free of charge by bus and train. In addition, the eTicket is much less expensive than one purchased on site. Those who are still looking for accommodation for K 2019 should make the most of the services offered by Düsseldorf Marketing & Tourismus (DMT), //www.duesseldorf-tourismus.de/messe/k" target="_blank" >www.duesseldorf-tourismus.de/messe/k:www.duesseldorf-tourismus.de/messe/k.


K basics

K was first organised by Messe Düsseldorf in 1952 and takes place every three years. The last K in 2016 saw 3293 exhibitors from 61 countries on more than 173 000 m² of net exhibition space and 232 053 trade visitors, 71 % of whom came from abroad.


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