“Ökoroutine“ reissued

Dr. Michael Kopatz‘s book now published by the Federal Agency for Civic Education - Monograph series (Volume 10128), author: Michael Kopatz, 414 pp., 4.50 € plus shipping (German language)

Surveys indicate that almost the entire German population desires greater commitment to climate protection, but that only few actually make a start. Dr. Michael Kopatz, project manager in the Energy, Transport and Climate Policy department of the Wuppertal Institute and author of the book “Ökoroutine. Damit wir tun, was wir für richtig halten” (“Eco-routine. So that we do what we feel is right”), has lost faith in the consumer: “We prefer to push problems aside, instead of tackling them, and defend our everyday routine as long as we possibly can”. There must therefore be a new routine which will transform perspectives, true to the motto of: Change conditions, to change behaviour.

In his book, the author illustrates that only little changes if people feel disadvantaged and seem to be alone in dispensing with a flight or their cars or simply consuming less. Appeals fail to achieve changes in our routines. Dr. Michael Kopatz demonstrates in “Ökoroutine” that people can live more sustainably without having to study climate change or factory livestock farming on a daily basis. The transition to sustainability, he notes, can become automatic if structures are modified - by means, for example, of standards and limits. Kopatz refers to this as the “deliverance of the consumer”.

After the oekom-Verlag‘s publication of the book, the Federal Agency for Civic Education has now also reissued the title “Ökoroutine. Damit wir tun, was wir für richtig halten”.

Other focuses:


A short (everyday) history of the infrastructure - essay

Nature as conflict

With the hand-brake on: the current status of the energy turnaround

Mobility - a timeline

Network-debate interview: autonomous travel

Car availability

Salad from the automat, rice from a production line - and still there is hunger?

Cities for people. Transformations in urban mobility


WHAT IS TO BE DONE? For a sustainable future for humanity

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