RECYCLING-TECHNIK postponed to June

Trade shows are secure business platforms ­– but the framework conditions must be right

Planning security and the possibility to create maximum business success for exhibitors and trade visitors – with the postponement of the trade show trio SOLIDS, RECYCLING-TECHNIK and PUMPS & VALVES to June 22 and 23, 2022, the organizer Easyfairs reacts to the again unstable pandemic situation. The working from home duty in many companies of the expected trade visitors, coupled with the uncertain development of the new Corona variant, make a certainly successful planning of the trade show trio not possible.

„Until a few weeks ago, we would not have thought that we would be in this situation again. But it is not just our sophisticated hygiene concept that forms the basis for a safe and successful event. The framework conditions that the government creates for the working world also play an important role,“ says Sandrina Schempp, Event Director from organizer Easyfairs, explaining the move for another postponement. „We were able to hold some trade shows very successfully in September, October and November. But the situation has become even more acute. The renewed working from home obligation by the federal government as well as the new Corona variant lead to repeated planning uncertainty.“

The summer of 2022 promises improvement

The later date for SOLIDS, RECYCLING-TECHNIK and PUMPS & VALVES on June 22 and 23, 2022 promises the opportunity for a real face-to-face dialogue: „The vaccination campaign will now provide a significant improvement with booster vaccinations and an adapted vaccine in late spring. This creates the basis for us to host a successful live business platform in past months, which the industry so desperately needs.“ said Sandrina Schempp.

Tickets and contracts remain valid

The postponement of the date by four months has no effect on the exhibitor contracts concluded, ticket purchases or visitor registrations. All agreements and bookings remain unchanged for the visit of the trade show trio on June 22 and 23, 2022.

Easyfair‘s trade show concept is pandemic-proven

In Germany and Switzerland, but also throughout Europe, Easyfairs has been able to hold trade shows with great success in recent weeks. „The Easyfairs all-inclusive concept is characterized by maximum flexibility and minimal planning effort for exhibitors,“ says Sandrina Schempp. „Trade visitors usually find us on their doorstep. Thus, our trade shows are largely independent of travel restrictions.“ Therefore, the organizer is optimistic about the summer and autumn.

Alongside the leading trade show, the RegioDays will take place again in 2022

After a successful premiere in Karlsruhe in October, the SOLIDS on Tour formats of the RegioDays in Karlsruhe and Chemnitz will also be launched again in October and November 2022. Thus, the two events cover visitor markets in regions that have not yet been well served in the field of bulk solids trade shows.

«SOLIDS & RECYCLING-TECHNIK Dortmund» gemeinsam mit «PUMPS & VALVES Dortmund»

Termin:                  Mittwoch und Donnerstag, 22. und 23. Juni 2022

Ort:                       Messe Dortmund, Hallen 4, 5, 6, 7 und 8

Rheinlanddamm 200, 44139 Dortmund

Öffnungszeiten:       Mittwoch und Donnerstag, 9:00 – 17:00 Uhr

Ticketpreis:             Tages-Ticket für alle drei Fachmessen 30 €

Veranstalter:           Easyfairs Deutschland GmbH, Balanstr. 73, Haus 8, 81541 München

Messewebseiten:, und


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