The mechanical recycling of plastics faces several challenges, both technical and regulatory. From a technical point of view, there are questions about the availability of recyclates, ways to improve...
Dear Readers,Each year 53 million t of clothing are produced, less than 1 % is recirculated into new textile fibers. In India, 50 % of the pesticides used are already used for cotton cultivation. By...
REDWAVE, one of the leading providers of metal recycling solutions, introduces the new sensor-based sorting system REDWAVE CX coin sorter, an innovative sorting system that revolutionizes coin...
STADLER Anlagenbau GmbH, specialist in the planning, production and assembly of turnkey recycling and sorting plants, sees a functioning circular economy as a roadmap to address the global issue of...
The 2023 ERDE collection period has been in full swing since mid-February, and the ERDE (Erntekunststoffe Recycling Deutschland [Crop Plastics Recycling Germany]) initiative has once again set...
HAVER & BOECKER‘s customers also have a valuable opportunity to recycle plastic packaging material. With the ADAMS® technology, they fill powdered products into PE bags. And for good reason: the...
In West Africa, they are ubiquitous: small plastic bags called water sachets provide millions of people with an affordable source of clean drinking water. Once the corner of the bag is torn and the...
Lindner’s new 1500 model from the Micromat series was presented at K 2019 in Düsseldorf/ Germany. In impressive live outdoor demonstrations it showcased the shredding of fishing nets as the first step...
Santiago de Chile. Sutco Iberica, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sutco, has reached an important milestone in the optimisation of waste management in Chile on behalf of Ambipar Environment Chile.
Terex Ecotec have expanded their trommel offering with the launch of the new TTS 518. Their smallest trommel to date, compact yet uncompromised, the TTS 518 has been intuitively designed offering...