26th International bvse Recovered Paper Conference takes place in Berlin

© bvse

© bvse
On April 16, 2024, the international recovered paper industry will meet at the Estrel Hotel in Berlin. Once again, the bvse Division for Paper Recycling, chaired by bvse Vice-President Werner Steingaß, has put together an exclusive program with top-class speakers and exciting discussions.

In times of global crises and recession in Germany, this year's International Recovered Paper Conference addresses the German government's economic policy: Christoph Meyer, Member of the German Bundestag, deputy chairman of the FDP parliamentary group and chairman of the FDP Berlin, will comment on this topic and answer the participants' questions in a subsequent discussion.

This year’s keynote speaker is Benedikt Böhm, entrepreneur and speed mountain climber. His presentation, “The courage to take new paths – success through reduction and speedy decision making”, is also perfectly suited to the period of upheaval we are currently experiencing as entrepreneurs.

The conference will then be dedicated to two other major specialist topics:

  • “The future of the recyclability of fibre-based packaging” will be the focus of a topic block moderated by WDR5 presenter Michael Brocker.
  • Under the heading “Fires in recycling facilities“, the conference will later on deal with the complex questions surrounding the topic of fire insurance.

The event will take place at the Estrel Hotel Berlin
© Estrel Berlin/Sven Hobbiesiefken

The event will take place at the Estrel Hotel Berlin
© Estrel Berlin/Sven Hobbiesiefken
The bvse Recovered Paper Evening Event in the conference hotel as well as the lunch and coffee breaks in the exhibitor area will provide best opportunity for networking.

All information and the online registration option can be found on the conference page:


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