27th International Recovered Paper Conference 2025: Branch meeting in Bonn

The international recovered paper industry is coming together: the 27th International Recovered Paper Conference will be held on 1st April 2025 in Bonn and will bring together about 500 experts and decision-makers from the entire value chain. Under the theme "International Recovered Paper Markets, Global Trends, and Regulatory Developments", participants can expect a high-calibre programme, exciting discussions, and valuable networking opportunities.

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© bvse

High-profile speakers and exclusive insights

Renowned journalist and WDR 5 presenter Michael Brocker will moderate the event. Mike Hayes, Chairman of the bvse Division for Paper Recycling, will open the event with a welcome address, followed by a welcome from bvse President Henry Forster.

A particular highlight will be the keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Gabriel Felbermayr, Director of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), who will examine the current economic challenges and opportunities for the industry under the title "Multiple Crises, Multiple Opportunities: What lies ahead in 2025?"


Focus on International Recovered Paper Markets

Global developments and their impact on the recovered paper market will be a key aspect of the event. Experts will analyse the current situation in different regions of the world:

  • North America’s Recovered Fibre Market: "Trends, Trade & Turmoil" – Kelly McNamara (Numera Analytics)
  • Southeast Asia: "Regulation on the Rise" – Hannah Zhao (Fastmarkets RISI)
  • Recovered Paper Markets in Europe: "Walled Off by Law?" – Hans van de Nes (ERPA-European Recovered Paper Association)

Branch experts will then discuss the implications of these global trends for the European recovered paper industry, moderated by Andreas Otto and Patrick van den Berg.


Logistics Now and in the Future – Challenges for the Trade

The transformation of the logistics sector is another key topic. Climate targets and the decarbonisation of transport require alternative drive technologies – but while electric mobility and hydrogen solutions are already a reality for passenger transport, the transition in freight transport remains a challenge. The situation is exacerbated by the ongoing driver shortage. Expert presentations and discussions will look at the issue from different perspectives:

  • Soon everything E? The Future of Electric Mobility' – Benjamin Schiebler, Volvo Group Trucks Central Europe GmbH
  • Gas, Electric, Hydrogen – Which Fuel is the Future? – Philipp Müller, Fraunhofer IML (Inst. for Material Flow and Logistics)
  • From Investments to Driver Shortage - A Report from the Logistics Sector' – Gerd Bretschneider, Fuhrgewerbe-Innung Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. (Trade Association for Commercial Road Haulage)


EU Packaging Regulation (PPWR): Impact on the recovered paper industry

The new EU Packaging Regulation (PPWR) brings far-reaching changes to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). The new EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) significantly extends Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) to commercial and industrial packaging within the EU. However, many questions remain about its national implementation in Germany. How will this affect paper pulp flows? Is there a risk of increased market concentration or will new opportunities arise? These questions will be the focus of a lively panel discussion with

  • Dr. Fritz Flanderka, Reclay Holding GmbH
  • Gunda Rachut, Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (German Central Agency Packaging Register)
  • Christian Hündgen, Hündgen Entsorgungs GmbH & Co. KG
  • Matthias Fabian, Umweltbundesamt (German Federal Environment Agency)
  • Julia Ettinger, Secretary General of the European Recycling Industries Confederation (EuRIC), will introduce the topic.


Networking and exchange at the highest level

In addition to the expert presentations and discussions, the International Recovered Paper Conference offers excellent networking opportunities. Participants can exchange ideas with industry peers, experts and decision makers, make new business contacts and gain valuable insights for their work.

The full programme, organisational information and of course the online registration form can be found on the conference website.


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