Italian model for waste collection and environmental technologies

The ‘Italian model’ as a virtuous example for waste collection abroad, thanks to innovative technologies that are transforming the way waste collection companies manage waste. In September, Partitalia, a tech company specialised in the production and commercialisation of IoT solutions with advanced technologies, will present its new Smart Waste Management System at two international events focused on sustainability and the urgent environmental challenges of our time.

ISWA World Congress 2024
© Partitalia

ISWA World Congress 2024
© Partitalia
From 15 to 18 September, the company will be in Cape Town, South Africa, for the ISWA World Congress 2024, the flagship event of the International Solid Waste Association, as a member of Operate Foundation, which promotes the goals of the circular economy and sustainable waste cycle management.

From 24 to 26 September, Partitalia will fly to the United States for the Nest Climate Campus, an initiative organised by NXT Events Media Group as part of Climate Week NYC, taking place at the Javits Center in New York. The Italian participation is promoted by the Italian Trade Agency in Los Angeles in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in New York.

  Wearable RFID readers
© Partitalia

Wearable RFID readers
© Partitalia

The Italian model for waste collection and demand for technology

Internationally, Italy is one of the countries with the best results in waste recycling, achieving a rate of 72 % in 2020 (Source: Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, Il Riciclo in Italia | Rapporto 2023). In recent years, the widespread adoption of the PAYT (Pay-As-You-Throw) model has been crucial. In this model, the variable part of the waste disposal fee is calculated based on the actual amount of undifferentiated waste produced and disposed of by the user, encouraging citizens to properly separate waste.

In this context, the use of technology is central to accurately collecting data and efficiently managing waste, meeting the needs of different urban settings. In this sense, Partitalia’s Smart Waste Management System is an IoT ecosystem for waste collection consisting of PAYT solutions made up of wearable RFID readers and vehicle RFID readers, which ensure accurate automatic data collection, and controlled access systems, that allow only authorised users to access bins and recycling centres, preventing unauthorised dumping and improving security.

Among the solutions proposed, there are also sensors to monitor the fill levels of waste bins in real time, which allow optimisation of collection scheduling, reducing unnecessary pickups.

  Controlled access systems
© Partitalia

Controlled access systems
© Partitalia

ISWA World Congress and the Italian model for payt

“Waste to Wealth: Solutions for a Sustainable Future” is the theme chosen for the 2024 edition of the ISWA World Congress, the world’s leading event dedicated to solid waste management. Partitalia, together with Operate Foundation, will participate with a speech entitled “The Italian model for implementing the PAYT (Pay-As-You-Throw) principle”, scheduled for 17 September. An information corner will also be set up to learn more about the IoT solutions developed by the company.

  IoT ecosystem for waste collection
© Partitalia

IoT ecosystem for waste collection
© Partitalia

The Nest Climate Campus and technologies for waste collection

The Nest Climate Campus is the most important American platform for raising awareness about climate change and sustainability. Partitalia has been selected among innovative SMEs and startups operating in the environmental technologies, circular economy, and renewable energy sectors. The presence of the company in the US is strategic to make the Italian model known overseas, given the strong emergency related to waste management and disposal that the United States is currently experiencing.

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