Preview of Ecomondo and Key Energy 2021 at the 5th digital Green Week

In 2021 Ecomondo and Key Energy will be held in physical form at Rimini Expo Centre from October 26 to 29.

A preview of the next appointment with Ecomondo and Key Energy. And then climate change and waste management, financial tools linked to energy transition, products and technological solutions for the 110 % Superbonus. These are the main topics that will feature in the talks at the fifth and last stage of Ecomondo and Key Energy’s Digital Green Weeks, from 21 to 22 September 2021 on the specific platform.

Italian Exhibition Group’s digital appointments, conceived to guide the green economy community towards the new scenarios of ecological transition, offer a road map to accompany the market to the upcoming edition of Ecomondo and Key Energy 2021, which will be held simultaneously from 26 to 29 October at the Rimini Expo Centre.

The details of the two-day programme:

On 21 September at 10 am, regarding Ecomondo, a talk in English, organised by CIWM – Chartered Institution of Waste Management, will discuss the reasons why resources and waste have not been taken into consideration in the agenda of the forthcoming COP26, while at 1 pm, there will be a meeting on climate change and waste management. At 3 pm, a preview of the 24th edition of Ecomondo and the 14th edition of Key Energy is scheduled, with speeches by Lorenzo Cagnoni and Corrado Peraboni, President and CEO of Italian Exhibition Group respectively, Alessandra Astolfi, Group Exhibition Manager Green & Technology Division at IEG, Fabio Fava and Gianni Silvestrini, Presidents respectively of the Ecomondo and Key Energy Technical-Scientific Committees, and Edo Ronchi, President of the Sustainable Development Foundation.

22 September, regarding Key Energy, will start at 10 am with an event sponsored by Huawei to take a close look at products and solutions for the 110 % Superbonus, while at 4 pm, there will be a focus on European sustainable finance regulations: with the support of sector experts, guidelines will be drawn for companies wishing to gear their activities to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria, which are used to measure the environmental, social and company management impact.

To participate live in the events, simply register at the following link, where you can also consult the updated and detailed programme of this fifth event: