Happy New Year...

Dear readers,

...this saying doesn‘t really come easily at the moment - Happy New Year... At the beginning of 2020, it was all much easier. There is no shortage of forecasts and assumptions for the year 2021 ahead of us. Trade fairs and events are being cancelled by the dozen and postponed by a year or two. A certain lack of commitment is spreading. But is spreading pessimism the right strategy? How about focusing on the strengths? To make use of what is currently still possible or, with a view to the future, to further develop the areas in which one is strong.

Many other contributions in this recovery also show that the current lockdown in many countries does not mean a standstill for the recycling industry in particular; the volume of waste has certainly not fallen during this period and the need to process these materials is just as topical as ever. So if we look to our strengths and our skills, we have every reason to be optimistic about the future.

Have an interesting time with the present recovery and stay healthy!

Dr. Petra Strunk
Editor-in-Chief recovery – Recycling Technology Worldwide


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