STEINERT subsidiary re-sorts itself

RTT STEINERT, the Zittau-based subsidiary of STEINERT GmbH, is pooling all the resources relevant to its customers in the waste recycling sector at one location and will be doing business in Zittau under its new name, STEINERT UniSort, since 1 October 2019. Following on from separating its sales organisation into the Waste, Metal and Mining divisions, STEINERT is now taking the next step consistent with these changes. In order to respond to customer enquiries more quickly and to enable its customer service to better meet the needs, STEINERT GmbH bundles all competences regarding waste recycling at its subsidiary in Zittau. “With the reorganisation, we are answering to our customers’ wish for short and efficient channels of communication and to incorporate refinements into projects more quickly,” says Peter Funke, CEO of the STEINERT Group. The “UniSort” has been associated with systems that use near infrared technology to detect and sort waste for many years already. The company’s new name now gives this brand a place beneath the STEINERT umbrella brand.

Demand from recycling industry customers for sorting solutions has surged in recent years. Between 2017 and 2019, STEINERT’s subsidiary recorded a high, double-digit increase in turnover. “We see that our success comes from thinking in terms of sorting concepts – rather than stand-alone machines as in the past. Today, we have more experience than ever before with the implementation and networking of systems with 20, 40 or even as many as 60 sorting machines. Customers come to us for concepts and solutions – this is what we stand for, now and in the future,” said Funke in conclusion. One further gratifying effect: the Zittau location is hiring further specialists (more information at:


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