metal recovery

Issue 02/2018 He has often been the initiator!

Bühlmann Recycling AG with new Terminator in operation

„He has often been the one who initiated the ideas of everything that can be done using machines“, summed up Peter Grepper of Getag Entsorgungs-Technik AG on his long-enduring cooperation with...

Issue 02/2018

Interview Bühlmann Recycling AG

The recovery editorial team took the opportunity of interviewing Hansueli Bühlmann on the philosophy behind his success and on the company‘s latest acquisition, the Terminator 3400 ec.recovery: It‘s a...

Issue 02/2018 A bright solution

New process for complete materials-route recycling of electroplating waste

The production of electroplated plastic components makes extremely high demands on the material‘s surfaces. Up to 30 % of production is out-of-specification. Up to now, there has been no process for...

Issue 01/2018 Pure fractions

Pilot plant for laser-assisted sorting of special alloys

CRONIMET, in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, is developing a more efficient sorting technology for mixed metal scrap. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research...

Coverstory recovery 6/2017

SENNEBOGEN 8100 EQ balance material handler revolutionizes scrap handling

Compellingly different

Zlompol Sp.J., based in Tarczyn in Poland, has been handling scrap for 25 years. The company started off using classic earthwork diggers, moved on to material handlers, and is now using a modern...

Coverstory recovery 5/2017

Processing WIP slag at Heros Sluiskil – clean conveying with ActiveCLEAN

Processing slag from waste incineration plants (WIP), that means drying, crushing, screening, sorting, classifying – and conveying the slag. Despite drying in air, slag from waste incineration plants...

Coverstory recovery 4/2017

Major contract from Switzerland: Non-ferrous metals in incinerator bottom ash are turned into valuable resources

BHS-Sonthofen planned and implemented a turnkey plant for the processing and refinement of metals derived from waste incineration plant slag and other metal-bearing fractions. Recycling machines from...

Coverstory 3|2017

Non-ferrous metal separator for very fine materials

Fine-grain sorting materials have no chance of escaping when Galloo, one of Europe’s biggest recyclers and a pioneer in metal recycling, teams up with the Cologne-based sorting and separation...

Coverstory 2|2017

Optimizing processes with mobile weighing systems

1979 gründete Hans-Günther Pfreundt eine Firma zur Herstellung mobiler Wiegesysteme und ab 1983 kam das erste mobile eichfähige Wiegesystem auf den Markt. Hans-Günther Pfreundt war überzeugt, dass die...
