Fraunhofer LBF to become organizer of the Forum Plastic Recyclates 2022

The Forum Plastic Recyclates will now be operating, with immediate effect, under new management: All rights associated with the event have been transferred from Hanser Publications to the Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF in Darmstadt. Fraunhofer LBF will now be assuming responsibility for operative planning of the event and will put together the conference program along with the experienced advisory committee. The fourth Plastic Recyclates Forum will be held on March 24, 2022. As before, the functional emphasis will be on mechanical recycling.

As an application-driven research institution and impartial contact, Fraunhofer LBF serves as an interface between science and economic activity and has a leading role in the research landscape, particularly in the field of recyclates. by hosting numerous technology conferences and industry task forces, the Darmstadt-based research institute has been firmly established in the plastics industry for many years and is thus coming to the helm of this distinguished event as an experienced partner.

The different plastic recyclates clearly demonstrate their various origins and the diverse array of possible uses
© Fraunhofer LBF, Ursula Raapke

The different plastic recyclates clearly demonstrate their various origins and the diverse array of possible uses
© Fraunhofer LBF, Ursula Raapke
Hanser Publications is convinced that Fraunhofer LBF will exhibit competence in ensuring the ongoing organization of the Plastic Recyclates Forum and will bring developments to the conference, which are positive for participants and regular customers alike. “We are happy to have the confidence of Hanser Publications,” says Prof. Rudolf Pfaendner, the former and future conference chairman and Director of the Plastics Division at Fraunhofer LBF. “We will do everything in our power to uphold the high standards of professional exchange for which this conference is known.”

The Forum Plastic Recyclates 2022 will again be held in a virtual format on March 24, 2022. The functional emphasis will be on mechanical recycling and is primarily geared toward those working in the production and processing of plastics, as well as recyclers and the user industries of vehicles, white goods, construction and packaging. To make the conference accessible to international participants, the event will be held in English. The digital conference environment offers a variety of possibilities for direct interaction between participants, and speakers and makes it possible to have high-level, professional discussions as well as to bring one's knowledge up to date, thereby ensuring that participating companies can remain competitive in the market.

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