Efficient conveying

Dr. Petra Strunk

Dr. Petra Strunk
Dear readers,

Another new, as yet unfilled year lies ahead of us: new and interesting tasks or challenges, certainly many interesting developments and a whole series of trade fairs and conferences where these will be presented and discussed. The first major trade fair – and certainly the most important one for our magazine – will be IFAT in Munich from 13 to 17 May, to which our next issue, recovery 02/2024, is also dedicated.

But the recovery team has already set off on its travels for this issue too. We were guests in Roosendaal/NL for the cover story in this issue. Last year, a 31 m long mass-compensated vibrating feeder from JÖST GmbH & Co. KG went into operation last year. Slag produced during waste incineration at the PreZero Energy site is conveyed. Waste that can no longer be further processed is converted into heat and electricity here.

Read many more exciting and interesting articles in this recovery!

Dr. Petra Strunk

Editor-in-Chief recovery Recycling Technology Worldwide


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