As of 30 May 2022, EREMA Group GmbH acquired 19.8 % of plasticpreneur® gmbh. plasticpreneur® is an Austrian start-up company founded two years ago that manufactures at its production site in...
On 1 January 2019, the Austrian EREMA Group acquired 60 % of the recycling machine manufacturer PLASMAC Srl to further expand its range of tailor-made plastic recycling solutions for in-house...
The EREMA Group's review of K 2022 in Düsseldorf is positive all round. And that applies to the interest shown by visitors as well as to the number of plants sold. With all the group's companies...
The EREMA Group, based in Ansfelden near Linz/Austria, closes the financial year 2023/24 with total revenues of € 380 million. A joint venture with the Lindner Group sees the group of companies expand...
The EREMA Group, which comprises EREMA Group GmbH and its subsidiaries EREMA, PURE LOOP, UMAC, 3S, KEYCYCLE and PLASMAC, closed the 2021/22 financial year with a 17 % increase in revenue. Consolidated...
The EREMA Group mourns the passing of Georg Wendelin, company co-founder, former Managing Partner and long-time Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EREMA Group GmbH, who died on the 29th of March at...
Due to their properties, household waste, supermarket film, agricultural film and input materials from similar sources place high demands on the recycling process. The quality of the recycled pellets...
Following their entry into the fibres and textiles sector, as announced at K 2022, recycling machine manufacturer EREMA launched the INTAREMA® FibrePro:IV – which has been specially developed for PET...
Ettlinger, a member of the Maag Group, will take advantage of the upcoming K 2019 to unveil the brand new ERF 1000 high performance melt filter for very high throughputs in recycling applications for...
Increased demands for efficient recycling has resulted in plants such as Re-Gen Waste Ltd based in Newry/Northern Ireland to be processing over 140 000 t/a of MDR, in a 24-7 operation.