STEINERT's three-part online seminar series: Waste Sorting Technologies for Improved Recycling Operations

STEINERT will start a three-part online seminar series on different waste sorting technologies scheduled for mid-June. Committed to driving knowledge exchange, these seminars are designed to provide valuable insights into the latest developments in the recycling industry, tailored to the different needs of the corresponding recyclers. Furthermore, at the end of each session, you will have the opportunity to ask our experts your follow-up questions and get immediate answers, making live participation particularly worthwhile.

Here is a brief overview of what you can expect from each approx. 30-minute online seminar:

Patrick Lindweiler, Product Management & Key Account

Patrick Lindweiler, Product Management & Key Account
The Many Futures of Plastics: Chemical & Mechanical Recycling

Date: 14 June, 11:00 am CEST

Host: Patrick Lindweiler, Product Management & Key Account

Discover the critical role of pre-sorting in chemical recycling processes. Learn how pre-sorting improves the efficiency and effectiveness of different recycling processes by removing contaminants and ensuring the right materials are used.


Björn Lövenich, Market Manager, Sales & Key Account

Björn Lövenich, Market Manager, Sales & Key Account
Sorting Clean Wood

Date: 21 June, 11:00 am CEST

Host: Björn Lövenich, Market Manager, Sales & Key Account

Explore the importance of wood sorting in the recycling industry. Dive into the basics of wood sorting, including different types of wood, sorting methods and hands-on demonstrations. Learn about advanced techniques and real-life customer examples that demonstrate the benefits of using the most advanced wood sorting methods in the industry.


Andreas Jäger, Global Sales Director for Waste Recycling

Andreas Jäger, Global Sales Director for Waste Recycling
Magnetic Technology for Waste Recycling

Date: 28 June, 11:00 am CEST

Host: Andreas Jäger, Global Sales Director for Waste Recycling

Understand the importance of magnetic technology in waste recycling and its benefits in terms of cost savings and reduced environmental impact. Learn about the different types of magnetic technology used in waste recycling and their applications as well as about STEINERT's unique position in the market as a supplier of magnets and sensors, and how it offers cost-effective entry and ongoing development with only a single partner.


Don't miss this opportunity to add expert knowledge to your recycling operations and joins us to explore specialised waste sorting solutions. Register now to secure your place on these informative online seminars. We look forward to welcoming you to our online seminar series.

Sign up for an online seminar today

Sign up for an online seminar today
For more information and registration details, please visit

Let's work together to detect and sort resources and to improve recycling even further.

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