IFAT 2024

Highlights at IFAT 2024

Issue 04/2024

Recycling on a grand scale

Dear readers, The growth of an industry also promises subsequent growth in the respective recycling industry, as long as it involves a tangible product. Renewable energies are very popular, as they...


Recycling paths are best walked jointly

This year’s Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) showed the importance of collaboration. From dissolution to enzymolysis, gasification, pyrolysis, solvolysis, and thermal depolymerisation, ARC 2022...

Issue 06/2018 Closed loop

Recycling plant for bottle to bottle

Ferrarelle S.p.A. is a historical Italian company bottling mineral waters. The company represents a best practice in the circular economy. It is one of the first companies in Europe involved in the...

Issue 03/2020 Strict recycling standards

Recycling plays a crucial role at Sports Direct’s National distribution centre in Shirebrook/Nottinghamshire

Retailer Sports Direct acquired HSM machines at their Shirebrook headquarters to help manage their waste from across 1000 stores across the UK where it’s arranged and recycled e­fficiently. Recycling...

Issue 04/2024 Economic solutions

Recycling wind turbines

Wind turbines have a relatively short lifetime lasting a maximum of 30 years. The size of wind turbines is steadily increasing, and intact wind turbines are being replaced by new and larger models...

K 2019 in Düsseldorf

Recycling – An essential measure for the circular economy

Kunststoffmüll bedeckt Strände und Flüsse oder quillt aus dem aufgeplatzten Bauch eines toten Fisches – derartige Bilder gehen derzeit um die Welt. Folge ist: Selten war das Image der Kunststoffe so...

Issue 03/2019 K 2019 in Dusseldorf

Recycling – An essential measure for the circular economy

Plastic waste desecrating beaches and rivers or oozing out of the ruptured belly of a dead fish – at the moment, these disturbing images seem to be ubiquitous. Consequently, the image of plastics has...


RECYCLING-TECHNIK & SOLIDS in Dortmund will take place in June 2021 according to exhibitor survey

In view of the extended partial lockdown, exhibitors at RECYCLING-TECHNIK & SOLIDS are advocating postponing the industry event to June 16 and 17, 2021. In a survey conducted by the organizer, a clear...

Issue 02/2024 Strong demand


The interest in exhibition space at the RECYCLING-TECHNIK & SOLIDS trade fairs in Dortmund shows no sign of abating. The previously planned halls are already fully booked for the upcoming event on...


RECYCLING-TECHNIK & SOLIDS in Dortmund is postponed until March 2021

Due to the current difficulty in assessing the corona situation and the associated ban on major events in many countries, the organiser Easyfairs is postponing this year's industry event...
